Uses of Class

Packages that use Activation   

Uses of Activation in

Methods in that return Activation
 Activation Activation.copy(Activation parentOfCopy)
          Performs a deep copy of this Activation instance.
 Activation ActivationList.get(int index)
          Returns the Activation at a certain position in this list.
 Activation Activation.getParent()
          Returns the Activation that called this Activation, or null if this is a root activation.
 Activation ActivationList.remove(int index)
          Removes an Activation at a certain position in this list.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Activation
 java.util.Iterator<Activation> ActivationList.iterator()
          Returns an iterator that iterates over the Activations in this list, in the order they were added.

Methods in with parameters of type Activation
 boolean ClassExclusionFilter.accept(Activation activation)
          Returns true if and only if the given Activation represents a method call where the class name plus method name matches the exclude pattern used by this filter.
 boolean MethodFilter.accept(Activation activation)
          Returns true if and only if the given activation is a call to a method with the fully qualified name given when creating this MethodFilter.
 boolean ConstructorFilter.accept(Activation activation)
          Returns true for all Activations, except calls to synthetic constructors and calls to super-class constructors.
 boolean ActivationList.Filter.accept(Activation activation)
          This method determines if an Activation is accepted by a Filter instance or not.
 void ActivationList.add(Activation activation)
          Adds an Activation to this list.
 void Activation.add(Activation nestedActivation)
          Adds another nested Activation to this Activation.
static MockObjectMap MockObjectMap.addAll(Activation activation)
          Returns a new MockObjectMap where the method calls represented by the given Activation and its nested activations have been added as MockObjects to this map, with the activation method call first, and the nested method calls in the order they were added to the activation.
 Activation Activation.copy(Activation parentOfCopy)
          Performs a deep copy of this Activation instance.
 void ActivationList.setParent(Activation parent)
          Sets the parent Activation of all Activations in this list to the given value.
 void Activation.setParent(Activation parent)
          Sets the Activation that called this Activation.

Constructors in with parameters of type Activation
Activation(Activation parent, java.lang.String className, com.sun.jdi.Method method, int frameCount)
          Creates a new Activation instance, representing a certain method call.

Uses of Activation in

Constructors in with parameters of type Activation
SequenceDiagram( namespace, Activation activation)
          Creates a new SequenceDiagram depicting a given root activation.

Uses of Activation in

Methods in with parameters of type Activation
static SequenceDiagram MModelUtil.addSequenceDiagram(ru.novosoft.uml.model_management.MModel model, Activation activation)
          Creates a new SequenceDiagram based on an Activation and adds it to the given MModel.

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