accept(Activation) - Method in interface th.co.edge.jseq.ActivationList.Filter
This method determines if an Activation is accepted by a Filter instance or not.
accept(Activation) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.ClassExclusionFilter
Returns true if and only if the given Activation represents a method call where the class name plus method name matches the exclude pattern used by this filter.
accept(Activation) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.ConstructorFilter
Returns true for all Activations, except calls to synthetic constructors and calls to super-class constructors.
accept(Activation) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.MethodFilter
Returns true if and only if the given activation is a call to a method with the fully qualified name given when creating this MethodFilter.
activate(int) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigObject
Activation - Class in th.co.edge.jseq
An Activation represents one method call, or in other words, one stack frame.
Activation(Activation, String, Method, int) - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.Activation
Creates a new Activation instance, representing a certain method call.
ActivationList - Class in th.co.edge.jseq
An ActivationList holds a number of Activation instances, representing a number of method calls.
ActivationList() - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.ActivationList
ActivationList.Filter - Interface in th.co.edge.jseq
An interface used by the filter and find methods to determine if an Activation is acceptable or not.
add(Activation) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.Activation
Adds another nested Activation to this Activation.
add(Activation) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.ActivationList
Adds an Activation to this list.
add(MockObjectMap) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.MockObjectMap
Ensures that all MockObjects in another MockObjectMap is also in this map.
addAll(ActivationList) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.ActivationList
Adds all Activations from another ActivationList to this list.
addAll(Activation) - Static method in class th.co.edge.jseq.MockObjectMap
Returns a new MockObjectMap where the method calls represented by the given Activation and its nested activations have been added as MockObjects to this map, with the activation method call first, and the nested method calls in the order they were added to the activation.
addCall(MObject, MObject, MLink) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.SequenceDiagram
Adds an arrow representing a method call to this diagram, from a given sender to a given receiver represented by activation boxes in the resulting diagram.
addObject(MObject) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.SequenceDiagram
Adds a life-line to this diagram, represented by an MObject.
addPort(int) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigObject
addSequenceDiagram(MModel, Activation) - Static method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.util.MModelUtil
Creates a new SequenceDiagram based on an Activation and adds it to the given MModel.
afterVisit(Node) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.util.XMLUtil.NodePrinter
For an element node, adds the end tag for the given Node to the string representation of the XML document, if necessary.
afterVisit(Node) - Method in interface th.co.edge.jseq.util.XMLUtil.Visitor
Called after the children of the Node have been traversed.
ArgoUMLDiagram - Class in th.co.edge.jseq.argouml
An ArgoUMLDiagram is a Diagram that can be used to generate sequence diagrams in .zargo format, readable by the tool ArgoUML.
ArgoUMLDiagram(Document, MModel, List<SequenceDiagram>) - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.ArgoUMLDiagram
Creates a new ArgoUMLDiagram.
ArgoUMLGenerator - Class in th.co.edge.jseq.argouml
An ArgoUMLGenerator is used to generate ArgoUMLDiagrams from an ActivationList representing a number of root activations.
ArgoUMLGenerator() - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.ArgoUMLGenerator
Creates a new ArgoUMLGenerator.


BLACK - Static variable in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.StrokeColor


ClassExclusionFilter - Class in th.co.edge.jseq
A Filter that only accepts Activations with method names that do not match a given exclude pattern.
ClassExclusionFilter(String) - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.ClassExclusionFilter
Creates a new ClassExclusionFilter with the given method name exclude pattern.
collapseRepetitions() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.ActivationList
Returns an ActivationList where all consecutive identical Activations but the first have been removed, and its numRepetitions property increased accordingly.
compareTo(MockObject) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.MockObject
Compares this MockObject to another MockObject, returning a negative integer, zero or a positive integer if this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the other object, respectively.
ConstructorFilter - Class in th.co.edge.jseq
A Filter that accepts all methods, except constructors that are either synthetic (automatically created by the compiler), or are calls to super.
ConstructorFilter(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.ConstructorFilter
Creates a new ConstructorFilter that uses the given ClassLoader to determine if a call is to a super-class constructor.
copy(Activation) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.Activation
Performs a deep copy of this Activation instance.
copy() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.ActivationList
Performs a deep copy of this ActivationList, copying all Activations and recursively the nested Activations.
createElement(Document, String) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.Fig
createMModel(String) - Static method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.util.MModelUtil
Returns a new MModel object with the given name.
createSVGDocument(ActivationList) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.svg.SVGGenerator
Returns a new XML Document representing an ActivationList as an SVG document.
CYAN - Static variable in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FillColor


deactivate(int) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigObject
deactivate(MObject) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.SequenceDiagram
Deactivates the given MObject, that is, returns from a method call.
Diagram - Interface in th.co.edge.jseq
A Diagram represents some form of sequence diagram that can be written to a file.


equals(Object) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.Activation
Compares this Activation to another object, and returns true if and only if the other object is an Activation with the same class and method names, and equal nested activations.
equals(Object) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.ActivationList
Compares this ActivationList to another object, and returns true if and only if the other object is an ActivationList with equal Activations.
equals(Object) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.MockObject
Compares this MockObject to another object and returns true if and only if the other object is a MockObject with the same name and column number.
EventThread - Class in th.co.edge.jseq
An EventThred traces the execution of a Java process, keeping track of all method calls as Activations in an ActivationList containing all root activations, that is, all method calls that occur "magically" from outside the traced methods, for example from the main method.
EventThread(VirtualMachine, ActivationList, List<String>, List<String>, List<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.EventThread
Creates a new EventThread that traces a given JDI VirtualMachine, filling in a list of root activations.


Fig - Class in th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml
A Fig represents a PGML figure of some kind.
Fig(String, Fill, FillColor, Stroke, StrokeColor) - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.Fig
Creates a new Fig.
FigLine - Class in th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml
FigLine(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigLine
FigLink - Class in th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml
FigLink(String, String, int, int, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigLink
FigObject - Class in th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml
FigObject(String, String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigObject
FigPath - Class in th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml
FigPath(String, String, int, int, int, int, Fill) - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigPath
FigPath(String, String, List<Point>, Fill) - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigPath
FigPoly - Class in th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml
FigPoly(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigPoly
FigPoly(String, List<Point>) - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigPoly
FigRectangle - Class in th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml
FigRectangle(String, int, int, int, int, FillColor) - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigRectangle
FigStimulus - Class in th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml
FigStimulus(String, String, String) - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigStimulus
FigText - Class in th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml
FigText(String, String, int, int, String, int, Stroke, StrokeColor) - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigText
Fill - Class in th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml
FillColor - Class in th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml
filter(ActivationList.Filter) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.ActivationList
Returns a new ActivationList containing only the Activations for which the given filter returns true.
find(ActivationList.Filter) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.ActivationList
Returns a new ActivationList where the activations and nested activations have been pruned, so as to start with an activation that is accepted by the given filter.
find(Node, XMLUtil.Visitor) - Static method in class th.co.edge.jseq.util.XMLUtil
Searches the given Node and its children depth-first, looking for the first Node that satisfies the given Visitor.
findAllTags(Node, String) - Static method in class th.co.edge.jseq.util.XMLUtil
Searches a Node and its children depth-first, returning an array with all element nodes with a given name.
findAllTags(Node, String, String) - Static method in class th.co.edge.jseq.util.XMLUtil
Searches a Node and its children depth-first, returning an array with all element nodes with a given name, and also containing a text sub-node with a given text.
findTag(Node, String) - Static method in class th.co.edge.jseq.util.XMLUtil
Searches a Node and its children depth-first for an element node with a given name.
findTag(Node, String, String) - Static method in class th.co.edge.jseq.util.XMLUtil
Searches a Node and its children depth-first for an element node with a given name, and also containing a text sub-node with a given text.
format(ActivationList) - Method in interface th.co.edge.jseq.Formatter
Generates a Diagram from a program trace, represented by an ActivationList with the root activations.
FormatException - Exception in th.co.edge.jseq
A FormatException signals that a Formatter failed to create a diagram.
FormatException(String) - Constructor for exception th.co.edge.jseq.FormatException
Creates a new FormatException with the given detail message.
FormatException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception th.co.edge.jseq.FormatException
Creates a new FormatException with the given detail message and root cause.
FormatException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception th.co.edge.jseq.FormatException
Creates a new FormatException with the given root cause.
Formatter - Interface in th.co.edge.jseq
A Formatter can create a Diagram from a program trace, represented by an ActivationList.
FormatterRegistry - Class in th.co.edge.jseq
A singleton that holds all Formatters known to the system.


generate(ActivationList) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.ArgoUMLGenerator
Returns a new ArgoUMLDiagram representing the method calls in the given AcivationList.
generate(ActivationList) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.svg.SVGGenerator
Returns a new SVG sequence diagram based on the given ActivationList, representing the root activations.
get(int) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.ActivationList
Returns the Activation at a certain position in this list.
get(String) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.FormatterRegistry
Returns the Formatter associated with the given name.
get(String) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.MockObjectMap
Returns the MockObject associated with the given name, or null if there is none.
getAttribute(Node, String) - Static method in class th.co.edge.jseq.util.XMLUtil
Returns the named attribute in a Node.
getAttributeText(Node, String) - Static method in class th.co.edge.jseq.util.XMLUtil
Returns the string value of a named attribute in a Node.
getClassName() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.Activation
Returns the name of the class that this Activation belongs to.
getClassName() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.MethodFilter
Returns the class name associated with this MethodFilter.
getColumn() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.MockObject
Returns the column number of this MockObject, which determines the order of the life-lines in the sequence diagram.
getDescription() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigPath
getDescription() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.Fill
getDescription() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FillColor
getDescription() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.Stroke
getDescription() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.StrokeColor
getDocument() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.SequenceDiagram
Returns this sequence diagram as a PGML XML Document.
getDynObjects() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigObject
getFill() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.Fig
Returns the stroke attribute of this figure object, that is, whether or not this figure should be filled.
getFillColor() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.Fig
Returns the fill color of this figure object, that is, if this figure should be filled, the color to use.
getFont() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigText
getFormatterTypes() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.FormatterRegistry
Returns a comma-separated list with the names of the formatters that have been registered.
getFrameCount() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.Activation
Returns the index number of the stack frame associated with this Association.
getHeight() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigRectangle
getID() - Static method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.UUID
Returns a globally unique identifier.
getInstance() - Static method in class th.co.edge.jseq.FormatterRegistry
Returns the only instance of this singleton.
getIntValue() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.Fill
getIntValue() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FillColor
getIntValue() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.Stroke
getIntValue() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.StrokeColor
getMethod() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.Activation
Returns the Method that is being called by this Activation.
getMethodName() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.MethodFilter
Returns the unqualified method name associated with this MethodFilter.
getName() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.Fig
Returns the name of this figure object.
getName() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.MockObject
Returns the name that will be displayed at the top of the life-line.
getNestedActivations() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.Activation
Returns an ActivationList with all nested Activations, that is, all methods called by this method.
getNumCalls() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.Activation
Returns the number of nested activations.
getNumRepetitions() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.Activation
Returns the number of times the method represented by this Activation is being called consecutively, with no other calls in between.
getObjectName() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigObject
getParent() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.Activation
Returns the Activation that called this Activation, or null if this is a root activation.
getPoints() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigPath
getStringValue() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.Fill
getStringValue() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FillColor
getStringValue() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.Stroke
getStringValue() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.StrokeColor
getStroke() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.Fig
Returns the stroke attribute of this figure object, that is, whether or not
getStrokeColor() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.Fig
getText() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigText
getText(Node) - Static method in class th.co.edge.jseq.util.XMLUtil
Returns the first text sub-node of the given Node.
getText(Node, int) - Static method in class th.co.edge.jseq.util.XMLUtil
Returns the nth text sub-node of the given Node.
getTextSize() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigText
getUsage() - Static method in class th.co.edge.jseq.Main
getVersion() - Static method in class th.co.edge.jseq.Main
getWidth() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigRectangle
getX() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigRectangle
getX() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigText
getXML(Document) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.Fig
getXML(Document) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigObject
getXML(Document) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigPath
getXML(Document) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigRectangle
getXML(Document) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigText
getY() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigRectangle
getY() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigText


hashCode() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.Activation
Returns a hash code for this Activation.
hashCode() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.ActivationList
Returns a hash code for this ActivationList.
hashCode() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.MockObject
Returns a hash code for this MockObject.


increaseNumRepetitions() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.Activation
Increases the number of consecutive calls of this method by one.
isActive() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FigObject
iterator() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.ActivationList
Returns an iterator that iterates over the Activations in this list, in the order they were added.


listView() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.MockObjectMap
Returns a list of all MockObjects in this map, ordered by column number (and name if the same column number occurs several times, which it normally should not do).


Main - Class in th.co.edge.jseq
main(String[]) - Static method in class th.co.edge.jseq.Main
makeXMLSafe(String) - Static method in class th.co.edge.jseq.util.XMLUtil
Returns a copy of a string where all special XML characters have been replaced by the corresponding character entity reference, for example, "<" is replaced by "<".
MethodFilter - Class in th.co.edge.jseq
A Filter that accepts only methods with a given fully qualified name.
MethodFilter(String) - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.MethodFilter
Creates a new MethodFilter that only accepts methods with the given fully qualified name.
MModelUtil - Class in th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.util
A utility class to work with MModel objects.
MockObject - Class in th.co.edge.jseq
A MockObject is an immutable class representing one life-line in a sequence diagram.
MockObject(String, int) - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.MockObject
Creates a new MockObject with a given name and column in the diagram.
MockObjectMap - Class in th.co.edge.jseq
A MockObjectMap is a mapping from names to MockObjects, with utility methods to make it easy to translate from Activations to MockObjects, with automatic handling of column numbers.
MockObjectMap() - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.MockObjectMap


OFF - Static variable in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.Fill
OFF - Static variable in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.Stroke
ON - Static variable in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.Fill
ON - Static variable in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.Stroke


register(String, Formatter) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.FormatterRegistry
Registers a new Formatter so that it can be used
remove(int) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.ActivationList
Removes an Activation at a certain position in this list.
run() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.EventThread
Handles all events generated by JDI, running for as long as the Java process is active, or until an attached process disconnects the event thread.


save(File) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.ArgoUMLDiagram
Writes this ArgoUMLDiagram to file in .zargo format, that is, as a zipped set of XML model files.
save(File) - Method in interface th.co.edge.jseq.Diagram
Writes this diagram to file, using whatever native format is used by that kind of diagram: text, XML, binary, ...
save(File) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.sdedit.SdeditPngDiagram
Creates a sequence diagram and writes it to file as a PNG image.
save(File) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.sdedit.SdeditTextDiagram
Creates a textual description of a sequence diagram understandable by the Quick Sequence Diagram Editor, and saves it to a text file.
save(File) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.TextDiagram
Writes this TextDiagram to file using a Writer so as to support different character encodings.
SdeditPngDiagram - Class in th.co.edge.jseq.sdedit
An SdeditPngDiagram is a Diagram that can be used to generate sequence diagrams in PNG format, using the Quick Sequence Diagram Editor to create the image.
SdeditPngDiagram(ActivationList) - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.sdedit.SdeditPngDiagram
Creates a new SdeditPngDiagram, using the given ActivationList as the basis for the sequence diagram.
SdeditTextDiagram - Class in th.co.edge.jseq.sdedit
An SdeditTextDiagram is a Diagram that can be used to generate sequence diagrams as text files that can be read by the Quick Sequence Diagram Editor.
SdeditTextDiagram(ActivationList) - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.sdedit.SdeditTextDiagram
Creates a new SdeditTextDiagram, using the given ActivationList as the basis for the sequence diagram.
SequenceDiagram - Class in th.co.edge.jseq.argouml
A SequenceDiagram represents a sequence diagram as a PGML document.
SequenceDiagram(MNamespace, Activation) - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.SequenceDiagram
Creates a new SequenceDiagram depicting a given root activation.
setEventRequests(String) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.EventThread
Creates all JDI event requests, that is, defines the set of events that will be handled by this EventThread.
setNestedActivations(ActivationList) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.Activation
Sets the ActivationList with all nested Activations called by this method.
setParent(Activation) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.Activation
Sets the Activation that called this Activation.
setParent(Activation) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.ActivationList
Sets the parent Activation of all Activations in this list to the given value.
size() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.ActivationList
Returns the size of this ActivationList.
Stroke - Class in th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml
StrokeColor - Class in th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml
SVGGenerator - Class in th.co.edge.jseq.svg
A SVGGenerator is used to create a sequence diagram in SVG format.
SVGGenerator() - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.svg.SVGGenerator
Creates a new SVGGenerator.


TextDiagram - Class in th.co.edge.jseq
A TextDiagram that can be fully defined by a string, for example using XML.
TextDiagram(String) - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.TextDiagram
Creates a new TextDiagram defined by the given string.
th.co.edge.jseq - package th.co.edge.jseq
th.co.edge.jseq.argouml - package th.co.edge.jseq.argouml
th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml - package th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml
th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.util - package th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.util
th.co.edge.jseq.sdedit - package th.co.edge.jseq.sdedit
th.co.edge.jseq.svg - package th.co.edge.jseq.svg
th.co.edge.jseq.util - package th.co.edge.jseq.util
toString() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.Activation
Returns a string representation of this Activation and all its nested Activations, with each activation on a separate line, and nested activations indented.
toString(int) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.Activation
As toString(), but indents the first activation a given number of spaces.
toString() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.ActivationList
Returns a string representation of this ActivationList.
toString() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.Fill
toString() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FillColor
toString() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.Stroke
toString() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.StrokeColor
toString() - Method in interface th.co.edge.jseq.Diagram
Returns a string representation of this diagram.
toString() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.MockObject
Returns a string representation of this MockObject, mainly useful for logging.
toString() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.MockObjectMap
Returns a string representation of this MockObjectMap, mainly useful for logging.
toString() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.sdedit.SdeditTextDiagram
Returns a string representation of this SdeditTextDiagram, currently in the form of comma-separated list of the root activations, not in the same form written to a file using the save method.
toString() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.TextDiagram
Returns the string defining this TextDiagram.
toString() - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.util.XMLUtil.NodePrinter
Returns a string representation of the Node that has been traversed using this NodePrinter, or the empty string if the Node has not yet been traversed.
toString(Node) - Static method in class th.co.edge.jseq.util.XMLUtil
Returns a string representation of a Node and its children, pretty-printed so as to include new-lines and with each sub-node indented.
toString(Node, boolean) - Static method in class th.co.edge.jseq.util.XMLUtil
Returns a string representation of a Node and its children.
traverse(Node, XMLUtil.Visitor) - Static method in class th.co.edge.jseq.util.XMLUtil
Traverses the given Node and its children depth-first, calling the given Visitor for each node.


UUID - Class in th.co.edge.jseq.argouml
A UUID is a utility class that is used to generate "globally" unique identifiers.


visit(Node) - Method in class th.co.edge.jseq.util.XMLUtil.NodePrinter
Adds the string representation appropriate at the beginning of the given Node.
visit(Node) - Method in interface th.co.edge.jseq.util.XMLUtil.Visitor
Called for every Node that is traversed, before the children are visited.


WHITE - Static variable in class th.co.edge.jseq.argouml.pgml.FillColor


XMLUtil - Class in th.co.edge.jseq.util
A utility class to work with org.w3c.dom.Node objects.
XMLUtil.NodePrinter - Class in th.co.edge.jseq.util
An implementation of Visitor that creates a string representation of a Node and its children, or in other words, to a (part of) an XML document.
XMLUtil.NodePrinter(boolean) - Constructor for class th.co.edge.jseq.util.XMLUtil.NodePrinter
Creates a new NodePrinter.
XMLUtil.Visitor - Interface in th.co.edge.jseq.util
The Visitor interface is used when traversing XML documents.


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