Class SequenceDiagram

  extended by

public class SequenceDiagram
extends java.lang.Object

A SequenceDiagram represents a sequence diagram as a PGML document.

Constructor Summary
SequenceDiagram( namespace, Activation activation)
          Creates a new SequenceDiagram depicting a given root activation.
Method Summary
 void addCall(ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MObject sender, ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MObject receiver, ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MLink link)
          Adds an arrow representing a method call to this diagram, from a given sender to a given receiver represented by activation boxes in the resulting diagram.
 void addObject(ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MObject object)
          Adds a life-line to this diagram, represented by an MObject.
 void deactivate(ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MObject object)
          Deactivates the given MObject, that is, returns from a method call.
 org.w3c.dom.Document getDocument()
          Returns this sequence diagram as a PGML XML Document.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SequenceDiagram( namespace,
                       Activation activation)
                throws javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException
Creates a new SequenceDiagram depicting a given root activation.

namespace - only used to generate the description element in the PGML file
activation - the root activation to depict as a sequence diagram
javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException - if there is some serious error in the XML configuration (should normally not occur)
Method Detail


public org.w3c.dom.Document getDocument()
Returns this sequence diagram as a PGML XML Document.

this sequence diagram as a PGML XML Document


public void addObject(ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MObject object)
Adds a life-line to this diagram, represented by an MObject.

object - the MObject to add


public void addCall(ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MObject sender,
                    ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MObject receiver,
                    ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MLink link)
Adds an arrow representing a method call to this diagram, from a given sender to a given receiver represented by activation boxes in the resulting diagram.

sender - the MObject representing the caller
receiver - the MObject representing the callee
link -


public void deactivate(ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MObject object)
Deactivates the given MObject, that is, returns from a method call. The activation box currently associated with this object will be ended.

object - the MObject to deactivate

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