Class ClassExclusionFilter

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ClassExclusionFilter
extends java.lang.Object
implements ActivationList.Filter

A Filter that only accepts Activations with method names that do not match a given exclude pattern.

Constructor Summary
ClassExclusionFilter(java.lang.String excludePattern)
          Creates a new ClassExclusionFilter with the given method name exclude pattern.
Method Summary
 boolean accept(Activation activation)
          Returns true if and only if the given Activation represents a method call where the class name plus method name matches the exclude pattern used by this filter.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ClassExclusionFilter(java.lang.String excludePattern)
Creates a new ClassExclusionFilter with the given method name exclude pattern. If the pattern starts or ends with "*", all method names with the correct suffix or prefix, respectively, are accepted.

For example, the pattern "foo.Bar.baz" would only match a method named "baz" in the class, "*.baz" would match any method named "baz" in any class, and "foo.Bar.*" would match all method in the class foo.Bar.

excludePattern - the exclude pattern to use for this filter instance, possibly starting or ending with the wildcard "*"
Method Detail


public boolean accept(Activation activation)
Returns true if and only if the given Activation represents a method call where the class name plus method name matches the exclude pattern used by this filter.

Specified by:
accept in interface ActivationList.Filter
activation - the Activation to check for matching method name
true if activation represents a method call that matches the exclude pattern used by this filter

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