Uses of Class

Packages that use ActivationList   

Uses of ActivationList in

Methods in that return ActivationList
 ActivationList ActivationList.collapseRepetitions()
          Returns an ActivationList where all consecutive identical Activations but the first have been removed, and its numRepetitions property increased accordingly.
 ActivationList ActivationList.copy()
          Performs a deep copy of this ActivationList, copying all Activations and recursively the nested Activations.
 ActivationList ActivationList.filter(ActivationList.Filter filter)
          Returns a new ActivationList containing only the Activations for which the given filter returns true.
 ActivationList ActivationList.find(ActivationList.Filter filter)
          Returns a new ActivationList where the activations and nested activations have been pruned, so as to start with an activation that is accepted by the given filter.
 ActivationList Activation.getNestedActivations()
          Returns an ActivationList with all nested Activations, that is, all methods called by this method.

Methods in with parameters of type ActivationList
 void ActivationList.addAll(ActivationList activationList)
          Adds all Activations from another ActivationList to this list.
 Diagram Formatter.format(ActivationList activationList)
          Generates a Diagram from a program trace, represented by an ActivationList with the root activations.
 void Activation.setNestedActivations(ActivationList nestedActivations)
          Sets the ActivationList with all nested Activations called by this method.

Constructors in with parameters of type ActivationList
EventThread(com.sun.jdi.VirtualMachine vm, ActivationList rootActivations, java.util.List<java.lang.String> includes, java.util.List<java.lang.String> excludes, java.util.List<java.lang.String> boundaryMethods, boolean trace)
          Creates a new EventThread that traces a given JDI VirtualMachine, filling in a list of root activations.

Uses of ActivationList in

Methods in with parameters of type ActivationList
 Diagram ArgoUMLGenerator.generate(ActivationList activationList)
          Returns a new ArgoUMLDiagram representing the method calls in the given AcivationList.

Uses of ActivationList in

Constructors in with parameters of type ActivationList
SdeditPngDiagram(ActivationList activationList)
          Creates a new SdeditPngDiagram, using the given ActivationList as the basis for the sequence diagram.
SdeditTextDiagram(ActivationList activationList)
          Creates a new SdeditTextDiagram, using the given ActivationList as the basis for the sequence diagram.

Uses of ActivationList in

Methods in with parameters of type ActivationList
 org.w3c.dom.Document SVGGenerator.createSVGDocument(ActivationList activationList)
          Returns a new XML Document representing an ActivationList as an SVG document.
 Diagram SVGGenerator.generate(ActivationList activationList)
          Returns a new SVG sequence diagram based on the given ActivationList, representing the root activations.

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