Uses of Interface

Packages that use ActivationList.Filter   

Uses of ActivationList.Filter in

Classes in that implement ActivationList.Filter
 class ClassExclusionFilter
          A Filter that only accepts Activations with method names that do not match a given exclude pattern.
 class ConstructorFilter
          A Filter that accepts all methods, except constructors that are either synthetic (automatically created by the compiler), or are calls to super.
 class MethodFilter
          A Filter that accepts only methods with a given fully qualified name.

Methods in with parameters of type ActivationList.Filter
 ActivationList ActivationList.filter(ActivationList.Filter filter)
          Returns a new ActivationList containing only the Activations for which the given filter returns true.
 ActivationList ActivationList.find(ActivationList.Filter filter)
          Returns a new ActivationList where the activations and nested activations have been pruned, so as to start with an activation that is accepted by the given filter.

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